Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting started

I've always wanted to do a map based campaign for tabletop miniature games. It started with the purchase of Mighty Empires but I never got a chance to play one out. A few years ago I was staring at an aerial map of my hometown and decided it would be cool to use for a map based urban combat campaign. At the time I wanted to use Games Workshop's Warhammer 40k for a Imperial Guard vs. Chaos game. The urge passed but I still thought about it from time to time. Rackham new sci-fi game sparked my interest again. The best part about this game was the prepainted miniatures. I enjoy painting, but just don't have the time anymore. My investment so far is just the rulebook and army book for the U.N.A. and Red Blok factions. I decided starting a blog may help keep me motivated...